Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Male infertility is commonly caused by Vericocele
A varicocele is a widening of the veins along
the cord that holds up a man's testicles
Around 10-15% of men have them
usually on the left side
but most do not experience symptoms.
Ayurvedic Herb Lajjalu (Biophytum Sensitivum) or Mukkutti,
has proven effective in treating Vericocele.
How to use:  add 20 leaves of the herb to 300ml
of boiling water for 40 minutes.
Strain and drink two times a day for one month.

We have published an ebook - Ayurvedic Herbology ,as an easier way to learn about the Ayurvedic medicinal Herbs.
"Ayurvedic Herbology" is a set of 5 Volumes in E-Book form. Visit here for more details-

1 comment:

Aashaayurveda said...

very nice blog . Thanks to share your info for more about ayurveda