Saturday, September 24, 2005

Ayurveda for a stress free arthritis treatment
... In this gloomy situation, there exits a silver lining and that is ‘Ayurveda.' Ayurveda is a unique, indispensable branch of medicine. ...
Our ebook "Arthritis Ayurveda and You" is also a perfect guide to Arthritis problem.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Golden jubilee plans for University of Pune’s ayurveda faculty

Programme aims to create awareness about IPR
Express News Service

Pune, September 15: THE ayurveda faculty at the University of Pune, will celebrate its golden-jubilee this year, starting with a seminar on ‘Ayurveda and intellectual property rights’, on Sunday. Announcing the beginning of the year-long celebrations, Dr VV Doiphode, dean, faculty of ayurveda, University of Pune, stated that it was the first university in the country to have an ayurveda faculty and after 50 momentous years, new challenges lay before the teachers of this ancient alternative healing system. Throughout the year, seminars on research projects which establish the efficacy and safety of ayurveda will be held.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

JSS sets up Spiritual Centre in US to pool Indian scientific talent
JSS Mahavidyapeeta of Mysore, which runs one of the largest educational institutions in India, is setting up a JSS Spiritual Centre in USA to act as a ‘bridge’ between India and US linking scientific expertise in various fields, especially herbal research and pharmaceuticals.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Cell Phones Can Damage Your Eyes

A recent scientific study identified a link between microwave radiation of the kind emitted by cellular phones and two different kinds of damage to the eye. At least one type of damage apparently never heals.

When the eye is exposed for a prolonged time to microwave radiation, there is large-scale damage to the optical quality of the lens. But there seemed to be a maximum level to this kind of damage, and when the exposure stops, the damage begins to heal.

However, at the same time, a different kind of damage occurs at the microscopic level. Tiny "bubbles" appear on the surface of the lens. This kind of damage reaches no maximum level, but instead accumulates progressively, and it did not heal even after the experiment stopped. It was theorized that the bubbles were caused by friction between cells that were exposed to the radiation.

Bioelectromagnetics July 2005; 26(5):398-405