Monday, December 16, 2013

Ayurvedic Diet Stops Craving

Here is a tip you will find very helpful. Following the Ayurvedic diet actually helps you stop cravings! 

There are six recognized tastes that should be included in daily meals. Cravings take place when all six tastes are not included in the diet. It is important that these six tastes in the Ayurvedic diet are consumed in the order of how the body digests food: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent. By doing so the body feels satisfied after a meal. Naturally, if you leave out one taste, example the sweet (sugar, rice, milk), you’re not feeling as satisfied as you want and will be craving long after the meal is over. This diet seems the reverse of how we consume our food since we usually have the sweets at the end of the meal. But following this order is holistic and makes sense. For example, eating something bitter like lettuce and turmeric or astringent like beans or lentils at the end minimizes cravings for sweets. As you can see this diet is also a great way of losing weight – without trying hard.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Biggest heart attack risks for Indians revealed

Indian researchers have conducted a data mining exercise to find out important risk factors in increasing the chances of an individual having a heart attack. The authors confirm that the usual suspects high blood cholesterol, intake of alcohol and passive smoking play the most crucial role in 'severe,' 'moderate' and 'mild' cardiac risks, respectively.
What Ayurveda has to offer for Heart Diseases read in the Ebook- Ayurvedic Management of Heart Diseases. 

Monday, August 19, 2013


Ayurvedic cooking is about foods that suit your dosha (constitution). It involves a balanced meal, which nourishes and fulfills the requirements of the body, builds immunity, heals the body, aids digestion and eliminates waste. To avoid contracting season-specific illnesses, ayurveda recommends seasonal diets to help the body acclimatise to the season; warm spices and heavy grains on cold winter days and lighter foods such as fruits and vegetable salads during summer.

AYURVEDIC PRAKRITI"(Your Dosha-Constitution & It's Significance to You)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Allopathic docs prescribing Ayurvedic medicines!

If you are dependent on Ayurvedic medicines prescribed by your allopath, then you better think again before taking your next dose. Your doctor is as ignorant about Ayurvedic medicines as you are. 

A study by the pharmacology department of KEM hospital has revealed that most of the allopaths who prefer prescribing Ayurvedic medicines for ailments like liver disorder, arthritis, cough and cold, kidney stones and piles, have little knowledge about Ayurvedic medicines.  
According to the study, 99% of the resident doctors did not even learn the basics of Ayurveda but 67% of them prescribe Ayurvedic medicines to their patients.   
At least 90% of allopath doctors basically rely on the reputation and credibility of the manufacturer, instead of knowing the content of the medicines.

Learn Ayurveda yourself.!

Monday, August 05, 2013

Exercise Stops Alzheimer's Better Than Drugs

The study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, provides new hope for individuals diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) — a tell-tale precursor to dementia. Lead researcher J. Carson Smith, M.D., assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology, found that brain activity associated with memory can improve after as little as three months of a moderate exercise program.
"We found that after 12 weeks of being on a moderate exercise program, study participants improved their neural efficiency — basically they were using fewer neural resources to perform the same memory task," said Dr. Smith. "No study has shown that a drug can do what we showed is possible with exercise."

Read more about Ayurvedic way of treatment of Alzheimer's -- Working for a road of recovery through Ayurvedic treatment

Because it is easier to prevent Alzheimer’s then looking for treatment for correcting it !

Monday, July 29, 2013

Prediabetes Risk Factors 5 Signs - You Might Be at Risk for Diabetes

1] What Feeling Tired and Sluggish After Eating Might Mean?
Ready to nap right after a big meal? This is a normal response to an influx of carbs (think of that post-Thanksgiving dinner feeling). But if it happens often, your body may be sending a message that your diet is too diabetes-friendly.

After eating, all carbohydrates -- whether in a doughnut or a carrot -- are broken down into the bloodstream as glucose (blood sugar), the body's main energy source. When the blood containing the glucose hits the pancreas, this organ gets the message to release insulin, a hormone it produces to help the cells throughout the body use glucose. Cells have insulin receptors that allow glucose to enter and either be stored as future energy or used right away.

It's a great system. But a diet that's high in simple carbs like sugar, white flour, and sweet beverages -- especially when consumed in large quantities at one sitting -- overwhelms it. According to Reardon, the cells' insulin receptors eventually stop receiving the insulin, which means they can't take in the glucose. The glucose builds up in the blood while the needy cells don't get any. The pancreas, meanwhile, notes the glucose level is still high in the blood that flows through it, and it pumps out still more insulin in response. Net result: You feel sleepy and may find it hard to think, because your brain and body are depleted until the system rights itself.

"Over time, this cycle can cause someone to become chronically insulin resistant. The body simply can't keep up with the demands that all those simple sugars and fats are placing on it," Reardon says.

What helps: Slow your carb load. Choose more complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains (barley, oats, quinoa, spelt, brown rice), vegetables, and whole fruits (not juices) that the body has to work harder to digest. This means blood sugar stays stable longer. Move around right after eating -- take a 15-minute walk; even washing the dishes helps -- rather than plopping in front of the TV. The activity will help your body begin to process the big glucose intake faster and more efficiently. In fact, a Mayo Clinic study presented at the 2011 American Diabetes Association annual meeting reported blood sugar levels rose only half as much after eating in a group that was moderately active after a meal, compared to a control group that ate, then rested.

What dietary changes Ayurveda prescribes ?
Read in our Best seller e-book "Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes"

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Prediabetes Risk Factors
5 Signs - You Might Be at Risk for Diabetes
(By Paula Spencer Scott, senior editor)

Incredibly, one in four Americans over age 20 has prediabetes -- and most don't even know it. Being prediabetic means that your blood glucose levels are higher than normal but short of being classified as diabetic levels. Studies show that most people with prediabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes within 10 years, unless they lose weight and make dietary and exercise changes.

Because prediabetes develops gradually over years, it's often said that there are no obvious symptoms. But it's possible to notice certain warning signs of growing insulin resistance, the inability to process the energy in food properly that's a key aspect of prediabetes, says Beth Reardon, director of nutrition for Duke Integrative Medicine at Duke University.

Paying close attention to such warning signs gives you plenty of time to make changes before the situation progresses to type 2 diabetes, she says.

"These symptoms usually occur in tandem with one another; together they create a bigger picture that says insulin resistance is going on," Reardon says. "Some signs can be measured, some we feel, some we can just see."

If you're experiencing the following signs, you should ask your doctor about an insulin response test to measure your insulin and blood sugar levels. If the tests confirm that your body is starting to have trouble managing its glucose, it may be incentive for you to commit to the diet and exercise changes that can help move you away from the path toward diabetes.
If you have pre-diabetes, you can do something about it NOW ! 

Key elements for preventing diabetes and staying healthy are - Simple lifestyle changes -- including healthier diets, regular exercise (30 minutes five times per week) and a modest weight loss of five to seven percent. And you can cut your chances of getting diabetes by almost 60 percent.

What these simple changes in lifestyle could be ?
What is the best exercise suitable for Diabetes prevention ??
How to achieve the desired weight loss safely and permanently ???

Ayurveda has provided right answer to these questions. In fact this is the theme of our Best seller e-book "Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes"