Saturday, October 18, 2014

Natural remedies to boost your immunity

Dear Reader, Come winter and you blame the cold for body ache joint pains and the   sniffles. Research, however, proves that it is not the temperature, but the germs spread during winter that causes it and foods that are not suitable. To prevent this, build your immunity then additions to the diet is the best tool.

Luckily, nature takes care of this and produces foods that are needed to boost your immunity during the winter. Melons and mangoes don’t grow naturally in winter or  strawberries  in summer  and  if  they are  available  for  some  reason  than  don’t  have them 

Ancient Indian medicine believes there are cooling foods and warming foods, which change according to seasons, therefore the diet changes with the change of season. Immune-boosting produce is what you need. Enhance your immunity with antioxidants, beta-carotene, lycopene, Vitamin E, selenium, vitamin C, fibre, natural fat, natural sugar and photochemicals. Winter foods are packed with the above and plenty more. Leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower; gobi paratha, gobi mutter, gobi aur sargam ka aachar… or even radishes… Quite a staple during winter!

By Naini Setalvad