Monday, May 21, 2018

Ayurvedic tips to cure dengue fever

With no specific treatment for dengue available at the moment, taking steps to prevent and control the disease is everyone’s responsibility. This includes being aware of the disease, taking effective vector control measures, getting timely diagnosis and treatment, etc. If left untreated, dengue can damage the lungs, liver or heart in severe cases. Blood pressure can also drop to dangerous levels, which may lead to shock or even death.
Dengue causes flu-like illness. Mild dengue can cause a high fever, rash, and muscle and joint pain. In severe cases, people may experience intense stomach pain, repeated vomiting, bleeding from the nose or gums, which can be life-threatening. Usually, people suffering from dengue are treated with pain relievers. Patients are also made to take plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration from vomiting and high fever. Besides this, there are many natural home remedies that can provide relief from the symptoms of dengue.

Here are five Ayurvedic treatments for dengue:

Holy basil leaves
The leaves of holy basil (Tulsi in Hindi) are known to produce a soothing effect on the nervous system. Just boil basil leaves, strain and drink it, or you can simply chew them to strengthen your stomach and boost your immune system.
Neem leaves
Neem leaves are used widely for treating a wide range of ailments, including dengue. It is suggested that neem leaves may help increase both blood platelet and while blood cell platelet count - the two most dangerous side effects of the virus. Just brew and drink neem leaves the water to improve your immune system and help you recover faster.
Papaya leaves
Papaya leave juice has for a long time been used for treating dengue fever in some areas of India and South East Asia. A groundbreaking research done by scientists at the University of Nottingham's Malaysia Campus (UNMC) suggested that this traditional herbal remedy could indeed be turned into a pill to treat dengue patients.
Fenugreek leaves
They can reduce fever and act as a sedative to ease pain and promote more restful sleep for patients. Just soak the leaves in water and then drink it. You can also get methi powder and mix it with water and have it.
Orange juice
The juice of this citrus fruit doesn’t just tantalise your taste buds with a refreshing treat, it is a good remedy for treating dengue symptoms and eliminating the virus. The rich mixture of antioxidants and minerals in orange juice can increase antibodies of the immune system, promote urination and remove toxins from the body.
Read More about Ayurvedic Treatment of Dengue fever here -

Monday, May 07, 2018

World Asthma Day 2018

May 1st  is World Asthma Day and the theme for this year is 'Never too early, never too late. It's always the right time to address airways disease.' May 1st is commemorated as World Asthma Day in order to raise awareness about this chronic respiratory disease that is prevalent in children nowadays.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), asthma is not just a public health problem in developed countries. In developing countries; however, the incidence of the disease varies greatly. According to its report, India has estimated 15-20 million asthmatics.

Asthma is a chronic lung disorder that is caused due to inflammation in the airways. The airways are said to become narrower and are filled with mucus, further blocking the airflow. This in turn results in short gasping breaths, coughing, and wheezing and chest tightness. If an asthma attack isn't controlled in time, it could leave a person breathless. Asthma could be triggered due to allergic reactions from irritants, dust, smoke, fumes and chemical allergens like pollen and grass.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Asthma
Here are herbal remedies for asthma that could reduce the symptoms of the condition.
-- Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon and one fourth teaspoon trikatu into a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes and add a teaspoon of honey before drinking. Take this twice a day to reap maximum benefits.
-- Drink a tea prepared using half teaspoon licorice or mulethi and half teaspoon of ginger for preventing asthma.
-- Take a half teaspoon of bay leaf and one fourth teaspoon of pippali mixed with one teaspoon of honey taken two or three times a day may also help prevent asthma
-- Boil a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger in a glass of milk and add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder to it. Take it twice a day, this Ayurvedic remedy may help reduce the frequency of asthma attacks.

Read more about Ayurvedic Management of Asthma here -