Monday, March 30, 2020

Ayurvedic Home Remedies To Boost Immunity

Cases of COVID-19 are on the rise in India, and World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared it as the pandemic situation there is no doubt we need to safeguard ourselves against infections.

Here are some home remedies, according to Ayurveda, that you can incorporate in your daily life for boosting your immunity.

* Ayurvedic preparation, Chyavanprash: we have been in the practice of eating Chyavanprash. A single spoon of this ayurvedic preparation, loaded with essential herbs rich in antioxidants has been a routine in the lives of many. Chyavanprash is a comprehensive herbal tonic with multiple health benefits, prepared according to an ancient Ayurvedic formula. Used by people all over the world today, it is a proven energizer, immunity booster and pre-emptive tonic. This is considered a best ayurvedic treatment for building immunity.

* Tulsi ginger tea: Boil a litre of water with 1 tablespoon of dried ginger, 4 teaspoons of coriander seeds, 1tbsp of black pepper, 4-inch giloy stick and a fistful of fresh tulsi leaves. Strain it and drink with 1 tsp of honey or jiggery.

* Garlic milk with cinnamon and crystal sugar/khand/honey: Mix one glass of milk with four glasses of water and add three cloves of garlic in it. Boil it till it is reduced to one glass. Strain it and drink this instead of tea/coffee with honey/sugar/khand along with cinnamon.

* Turmeric buttermilk: Add 1 teaspoon each of turmeric powder, asafoetida powder, fenugreek and fennel seeds with a few curry-leaves to 500 ml of buttermilk and warm it for five minutes. Drink twice or thrice daily.

All these concoction( Quath/kadha) work on your metabolism, which plays an important role in building our immunity. In addition, try to add ginger-garlic-chili paste to your curries /upma/gravy/batter.

* Maintain good hydration level in your body for cleansing action.

*Step up your probiotics intake - it is recommended to take at least take 2 servings of curd in a day.

* Vitamin C plays a vital role against the viral action, so increasing the intake of lemon/kiwi/oranges/sweet lime/amla- (Indian gooseberry) are good options for meeting this vital vitamin requirement in the body. It is also very important to continue with some home-based workouts.

As most of areas are locked down, many employees are being allowed to work from home. To get through these tense times, it is a good idea to incorporate these tips to help protect your family against coronavirus.

Always remember that prevention is better than cure. Now it is in your hand what you opt to choose.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Urgent Need For Fighting Corona Virus with Music and Melodies For Mental Health of Scared Public

THE SAME NATURE which has thrown open the deadly infectious diseases like Corona has also thrown open a treasure house of rhythms and melodies in and around us, but we seem to be mostly unaware of them due to our preoccupation with the modern-day money-making indulgence!

 Our body and mind are blessed with healthy resonance and rhythms, without which we would have long been dead and gone, the disharmony in them is the major cause for all our ailments – both physiological and psychological. Being consciously aware of this harmony should go a long way in enjoying good health. Musicians are aware - though unconsciously – of the bodily rhythms when they sign or when they evolve a beat-pattern. Music thus connects us to our own rhythms and also with the world around, which follow the same patterns. The body recognizes and responds to the pulses of the music in no time.

A therapy system has been developed in recent years to medically address certain conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, back pain, post-operative healing, sports injuries, bone fracture and muscular injuries. Besides pain reduction, these attempts are reports to help in improving one’s mobility.

Music has tremendous potential as a powerful tool to open up new possibilities for those who have suppressed emotions that cause great harm to the human personalities leading to severe behavioural problems. As emotions represent the ‘outgoing’ feelings, when music is combined, there is every chance of its outward moment, thus clearing the congestion and inhibition that block one’s emotional well-being, Music ranges from the subtle varieties to violent ones. It is also established beyond doubt that music imparts certain healthy mental and emotional patterns to its listeners, which stems from its own organization and pattern.

Read the complete article here -

Monday, March 16, 2020

What Ayurveda Can Offer in fight against Corona virus

As people rush to keep themselves protected from coronavirus, Ayurveda experts have stressed that medicinal herbs such as Amla, Giloy, Shilajit and Neem are helpful in strengthening the immune system which is key to fighting this deadly virus.

* Strong immunity is necessary to fight any kind of foreign body or disease. Coronavirus primarily affects the lungs and the respiratory system. Eating a tablespoonful of Chywanprash daily enhances the immunity, specifically that of lungs and the respiratory system. Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), Guduchi/glioy (Tinospora Cordifolia), Neem (Azadirachta Indica), Kutki (Picrorhiza Kurroa), Tulsi (basil) are some of the Ayurvedic herbs that are helpful in building the immunity and preventing the infection.

* In Ayurveda, good digestion or strong digestive fire plays a very important role in fighting diseases. Eat a piece of fresh ginger or drink ginger tea. Mint tea, cinnamon tea, and fennel tea to kindle your digestive power

* Putting two-three drops of sesame oil in each nostril and sniffing it in will not only lubricate the nasal passage and throat but also strengthen the inner mucus membrane to keep away foreign bodies. ‘Nasya’, a therapeutic treatment for the nose, throat, sinuses and head, can be done with medicated oils like Anu Taila and Shadabindu oil.

* To fight Covid-19, giloy and Tulasi can be helpful. If someone has symptoms of coronavirus, consuming ‘kadha’ (decoction) of giloy and Tulasi with black pepper, turmeric and ginger will boost immunity and kill all kinds of viruses.

* Swami Ramdev has suggested that people should do pranayama — deep breathing, kapalabhati and anulom vilom to increase immunity.

* You should eat only well-cooked food, avoid spitting in public, and avoid close contact.WHO has said that it is important for people to seek medical care at the earliest if they become sick.

Monday, March 09, 2020

Don’t listen to these crackpot coronavirus myths

The deadly coronavirus may have come from animals, but many of its purported remedies are from total quacks.

This week, the World Health Organization admitted it underestimated the virus’ death toll, which has climbed to over 3,100 since the first case was reported in December. And the fact that public health officials can’t seem to deliver accurate details has driven people to seek answers through more dubious sources, including religious leaders, conspiracy theorists and, of course, random people on social media.

The keys to halting the spread of coronavirus are good hygiene and preventative habits. Given what we do (and don’t) know about the infection, its best advice is similar to what it’s recommended during flu season: to wash hands several times daily, avoid touching the mouth and face and limit contact with sick individuals.

Garlic water, peppercorns or sesame oil

Garlic is delicious, but it’s not a coronavirus drug or vaccine.
Some proponents of traditional medicine have recommended a few strange (and arguably delicious) tools to combat COVID-19, including a sesame oil scrub or drinking water boiled with garlic., the South China Morning Post reported, as well as peppercorns — exactly seven under the tongue. It’s true that all three contain anti-oxidants, which indeed give the immune system a boost.

Garlic is a healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties. However, there is no evidence from the current outbreak that eating garlic has protected people from 2019-nCoV
Sesame oil is delicious but it does not kill 2019-nCoV,

If your gut is healthy, you don’t have to worry about the corona

It’s true that some 80 per cent of all antibody-producing immune cells are situated in your gut but it’s not the whole story. Since there is no vaccine for coronavirus, the best way to prevent transmission is to be vigilant about personal hygiene. And, as we already know, even seemingly healthy individuals could become ill and die from the mysterious virus.

Vitamin megadoses

Although there is a China-based clinical trial in the works to test the antiviral impact of vitamin C,  gobbling vitamin supplements won’t be the key to keeping coronavirus at bay.


Considered a fundamental of Ayurvedic medicine, yoga is certainly good for the body. But there’s nothing out there to prove that deep breathing or the sun salutation pose will protect you from coronavirus.

Read more about Fundamentals of Ayurveda.