Friday, January 09, 2004

Healthy Diets for Diabetics

(HealthDayNews) -- If you have diabetes, healthy eating should be an integral part of managing your disease. A good diet can help control your weight and blood sugar level.

Use vegetable spray instead of oil, shortening, or butter.
Steam vegetables using a low-fat broth or water.
Season foods with herbs and spices, vinegar, lemon juice, or salsa.
Use low or sugar-free jams instead of butter or margarine.
Use low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese, or nonfat yoghurt.
Eat chicken or turkey without the skin.
Buy only lean meats and broil, roast, stir-fry or grill them.
Use canola or olive oil rather than vegetable oils.
Buy whole-grain breads and cereals

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