Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ayurved has effective cure of Chikun Gunia:
Dr. Mansuri. [2006-10-09 09:29:57 Gujarat Global News Network, Ahmedabad]

Ayurvedic treatment effectively cures Chikun Gunia fever and it does not have side effects, says Dr. Sameer Mansuri, a city based Ayurvedic and Unani medicine practitioner.

Chikun Gunia is called Sandhijwara in Ayurved and its cure is panchathiktha Kashayam. Suggesting preventive measures he says that domestic preparations like ginger chutney karivepaku chutney or kothimeera chutney are very effective. Also ragi gruel (ganji) has to be taken either with milk or butter milk.

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