Friday, September 18, 2009

Penis Enlargement Methods[]
For men looking for penis enlargement methods, herbal remedies are also a great option. These herbal remedies have been widely used in Ayurveda since ancient times, but they have become exceedingly popular only in the recent times. Dong quai, blessed thistle, ginseng, ginkgo, kava kava, maca, black cohosh, golden seal are just some of the herbs that are used to bring about an enlargement of the penis.
These herbs help in extending the length and the girth of the penis by increasing the amount of testosterone, the male sexual hormone.
The popularity of Ayurvedic herbs for penis enlargement is increasing by leaps and bounds with each passing day. Shilajit, an Ayurvedic preparation, is extremely popular in countries such as the US and in the European countries. Several other herbal products such as Vrishya Vati etc. are available which help for both penis enlargement as well as a cure for impotence.
There are many exercises for penis enlargement as already mentioned above. Squeezing and jelquing are the two most popular ones.

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