Monday, November 14, 2011

World Diabetes Day

[14 November 2011]

World Diabetes Day raises global awareness of diabetes - its escalating rates around the world and how to prevent the illness in most cases. Started by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and WHO, the Day is celebrated on 14 November to mark the birthday of Frederick Banting who, along with Charles Best, was instrumental in the discovery of insulin in 1922, a life-saving treatment for diabetes patients.

WHO estimates that more than 346 million people worldwide have diabetes. This number is likely to more than double by 2030 without intervention.

Key elements for preventing diabetes and staying healthy are - Simple lifestyle changes -- including healthier diets, regular exercise (30 minutes five times per week) and a modest weight loss of five to seven percent. And you can cut your chances of getting diabetes by almost 60 percent.

What these simple changes in lifestyle could be ?
What is the best exercise suitable for Diabetes prevention ??
How to achieve the desired weight loss safely and permanantly ???

Ayurveda has provided right answer to these questions. In fact this is the theam of our Best seller e-book "Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes"

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ayurvedic Training Offered in 2011-2012 by the California College of Ayurveda
The school offers Ayurveda training in English via the Distance Learning program throughout the world. Programs include Ayurvedic Body Therapies (Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Svedana), Ayurvedic Health Practitioner and Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist. The practitioner program (Level I) begins Fall 2011 and is also available online in the Live Internet Program.
Have you ever wondered why we become sick or what is the end cause of disease? Understanding this is very profound and yet simple: once we understand the cause of disease we can begin heal. Ayurveda teaches us that all disease begins when we are living out of harmony with our environment. When we take in inappropriate impressions from our environment through any of our senses, we choose to weaken the body and create an internal environment which supports the creation of disease. We could disrupt our body's internal energy flow. The Ayurveda studies program offered teaches all the principles of living in harmony with the environment.
Healing through Ayurvedic Medicine involves all five senses. Through taste, we utilize proper diet and herbs. Through sight, we utilize proper color and beauty. Through smell, we utilize aromatherapy. Through sound, we utilize music and sound energies. Finally, through our skin we take in specially prepared herbal oils and receive ayurvedic massage (abhyanga). In addition to five sense therapy, Ayurveda advocates the periodic removal of accumulated toxins and food residues through specialized purification procedures called panchakarma.
The school offers Ayurveda education in English via the Distance Learning program throughout the world. For more details visit or call 530 478 9100 . The program is also offered in Spanish throughout Latin America. For more details visit Escuela Ayurveda.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Holy Basil(Tulsi) - A Herb for Diabetics
Compounds in Holy Basil have been shown in clinical trials to nourish the pancreas and specifically help generate healthy new beta cells. These beta cells are the body's insulin-production factories, and insulin lowers blood sugar.
Holy Basil helps other cells in your body open up their receptor for insulin. This lightens the load on your liver and adrenal glands. You may also notice fewer cravings for sweets.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Antiaging Ayurvedic Herb- Amalaki
Who would ever have thought what a little, green fruit approximately the size of a tennis ball can achieve? Amalaki which is occasionally known as Amla is a fruit that is grown in India beneath the famous Himalayan Mountains. Modern study indicates Amalaki to be one of the most encouraging botanicals that bring about cellular rejuvenation, augment vitality and improve immune capabilities. Tales abound regarding the therapeutic properties of Amalaki and its incredible antiaging benefits.Within the Hindu folklore, Amalaki is reserved within a station of honor. The fruit has long been reported in the Ayurveda or as it is frequently identified as Indian medicine arts. It’s listed within the pages as a tremendously robust rejuvenator possessing the gift to purify the human body and to effectively oppress illness.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Ayurvedic Natural Antibiotic
Long before modern medicine came out with the magical powers of antibiotics, ancient Indian system of medicine Ayurveda have benefited from Kalmegha, a natural antibiotic.

Kalmegha is technically called Andrographis peniculata. The herb is also called Kalpanath and Kiryat. Kalmegha is bitter in taste and unpalatable. But it has a myriad medicinal properties including its ability to fight leprosy, boost immunity, kill bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, control fevers of various origins including malarial and typhoid, keep the stomach in good health, and provide relief from haemorrhoids.

Of late, research has been taken up on the medicinal properties of Kalmegha. The studies were centered around Kalmegha’s ability to kill cancer cells, reduce upper respiratory tract infections etc. There are also claims of Kalmegha improving the immunity in people living with HIV/AIDS.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Health Benefits of Trikatu
Trikatu is a special herbal combination of herbs to prevent obesity. Trikatu has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-helminthes. It helps in removing the worms from the body and thus improving digestion. Trikatu is a combination of natural herbs and is safe and effective. It helps maintain healthy digestion and removes toxins from the body. Trikatu helps rejuvenate your body cells and also helps prevent any infection from inflammation of the digestive organs.

Trikatu has natural anti-histamine and thus helps prevent infection and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It prevents your body from an allergic reaction. It is safe to use the product for a long period of time, because it does not produce an adverse reaction. Regular intake of this product helps to increase your appetite. Trikatu inhibits the formation of gas and so it helps in proper digestion of food. The digested food is used by your cells to give you energy to carry out various activities.
Trikatu increases metabolic activity and the rapid absorption of nutrients. Trikuta is also a very good product for the bad odor from the mouth to treat. It helps to improve the taste of the mouth. Chew your food well in the mouth for effective digestion and absorption of food nutrients. Trikuta also helps maintain the normal flow of blood into your cells.

Trikatu works on your skin and very helpful to prevent any allergies. Trikatu keeps your face and your skin fresh and glowing.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Medhya herbs in Ayurveda include's:-

1)Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)

2)Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica)

3)Shankapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis)

4)Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

5)Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina)

6)Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi)

7)Vacha (Acorus calamus)

8)Yastimadhu (Liquorice)

9)Tribulus terrestris(Gokshura)

These herbs are mainly used in Ayurveda for treatment of mental diseases.These medicinal plants have wonderful action that can calm mind and it can also increase or decrease mental functions.Herbs such as Bacopa monnieri,Convolvulus pluricaulis, Centella asiatica increase's memory and the Rauwolfia serpentina,Withania somniferais used to calm patient.
Extracts of all these herbs are available here at -

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Excellent Ayurvedic Herbal treatments for acne scars

1. Sandalwood (Chandana) is best for all skin related problems. It maintains the glow of the skin. Sandal wood paste must be applied to your skin as a face pack till it dries out. After drying you it must be removed with help of cold water or with a soft towel dipped in cold water. Acne scars and dull skin can both be treated through this treatment.

2. Aloe Vera is an exceptionally beneficial herb with medicated values. This herb is well known as a natural home herbal remedy for removing acne scars. Cooling as well as the soothing affects of aloe vera helps a lot in revitalizing the skin. Mix aloe vera gel with essential oil and apply to your skin. This paste has antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties that heal acne, reduces the acne scars, moisturizes the skin and restores it.

3. Mint Leaves are the most common and widely available herb. This herb is very well known as one of the best treatments for removing acne scars. For preparing a remedy with this herb you just have to pick around 10-12 fresh leaves and then press or squeeze the leaves to extract its juice. The juice of the leaves have all medicated values and healing properties that help in clearing your skin and help you get rid of acne scars .

4. Fenugreek (seeds of methi herb) also provide an excellent ayurvedic acne scar treatment. For preparing the medicinal solution you must first boil 1 liter water and add a small teaspoon of methi seeds. Once the water gets boiled you have to put it aside and let it cool. Apply it to your skin where there are acne scars. You must do this atleast for a week and see miraculous difference.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cinnamon promotes weight and blood sugar control
Studies have shown that cinnamon, the common kitchen spice frequently sprinkled on breakfast oatmeal and included in sweet potato pie, lowers blood glucose levels. Along with the benefits that it brings to this area, additional testing and folklore say that cinnamon also has fat-burning properties that will aid in weight loss.

Published in 2003 in the journal Diabetes Care, a study concluded that in people with Type 2 diabetes, consuming daily low levels of cinnamon that is between 1 to 6 grams (or approximately 1 to 2 teaspoons) reduced blood sugar levels. How cinnamon effects this result is still to be determined but the study also showed that the results lasted in the individuals even as long as twenty days after ceasing to use cinnamon. In 2009, a Scandinavian study showed that in healthy individuals 3 grams of cinnamon per day lowered blood sugar levels after eating a meal. Higher insulin levels lead to less use of excess blood sugar (and sugar is stored in the body as fat), so a reduction in insulin after a meal is significant. If cinnamon can help control the level of blood sugar and, by offshoot, fat levels, then that is corroboration of what some have said regarding its weight loss potential.

Learn moreabout Cinnmon:

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Cinnamon Helps Prevent Diabetes”

Several research studies are showing that cinnamon is able to help prevent diabetes. Cinnamon which is a common spice appears to regulate as well as prevent diabetes. Coming from the internal bark of the cinnamon tree, cinnamon has been used extensively for medicinal and culinary purposes. Traditionally cinnamon is used for treating congestion, colds and diarrhoea.

Recent studies discovered that it is high in antioxidants which experts believe will help it to reduce the speed of ageing as well as lower chronic disease risk.

In his book "Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, And Stimulants -- Dangerous Drugs on Trial," David W Tanton writes that "Not only does cinnamon activate essential enzymes in the body thus stimulating the receptors in the cells so they will respond more efficiently to insulin, but it also inhibits the enzymes responsible for deactivating ... causing insulin resistance."

Tanton further reveals that "Cinnamon bark actually contains calcium, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, Bi, B2, and C, many of which are important for the prevention or treatment of diabetes."

The conclusion of reviewing eight studies carried out on human volunteers clearly showed that blood sugar levels were effectively reduced after meals and also in between meals by including cinnamon in the diet. It was also observed that cinnamon supplementation could lower diabetic complications.

One of the studies reviewed revealed that cinnamon had beated pharmaceuticals in effectiveness. The study which the "Journal of Diabetic Medicine," published showed that people supplemented with cinnamon had better blood sugar level improvement than those given conventional diabetic drugs.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Terminalia arjuna is an herb found in abundance in the Himalayan forests, Bengal, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. The saponin glycosides found in this herb are responsible for an inotropic effect, meaning that the force with which the heart and other muscles contract is affected. The arteries are strengthened by its flavonoids and proanthocyanidins. This important herb also interacts with LDL cholesterol, accelerating its turnover in the liver and inhibiting its oxidation, thus contributing to cholesterol reduction in the body. Terminalia Arjuna has the potential to correct abnormalities in endothelial cells, those that line the interior of blood vessels. A study in 2003 indicates that it has beta-blocking activity. Terminalia has no toxicity, does not interact with drugs and has no contraindications.

Studies on this herb are very promising. In a 2002 double blind crossover study published in the Indian Heart Journal, 58 males diagnosed with ischemic heart disease were given either the standard medical treatment (isosorbide mononitrate, a blood vessel dilator), Terminalia Arjuna, or a placebo for one week. They were monitored for symptoms of angina (severe chest pain) during exercise. Terminalia reduced symptoms better than the placebo and was equal to the standard medical treatment.
Read more about Terminalia Arjuna here -

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Triphala hinders growth of pancreatic cancer cells
A new study from the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute suggests that a commonly used herbal supplement, triphala, has cancer-fighting properties that prevent or slow the growth of pancreatic cancer tumors implanted in mice. The study found that an extract of triphala, the dried and powdered fruits of three plants, caused pancreatic cancer cells to die through a process called apoptosis – the body’s normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted or unneeded cells. This process often is faulty in cancer cells. Results of the study, abstract number LB-142, are being presented in a late-breaking session at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, April 14-18, at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Triphala, one of the most popular herbal preparations in the world, is used for the treatment of intestinal-related disorders. It is typically taken with water and thought to promote appetite and digestion and to increase the number of red blood cells.
Read moreand buy Triphala here -