Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Cinnamon Helps Prevent Diabetes”

Several research studies are showing that cinnamon is able to help prevent diabetes. Cinnamon which is a common spice appears to regulate as well as prevent diabetes. Coming from the internal bark of the cinnamon tree, cinnamon has been used extensively for medicinal and culinary purposes. Traditionally cinnamon is used for treating congestion, colds and diarrhoea.

Recent studies discovered that it is high in antioxidants which experts believe will help it to reduce the speed of ageing as well as lower chronic disease risk.

In his book "Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, And Stimulants -- Dangerous Drugs on Trial," David W Tanton writes that "Not only does cinnamon activate essential enzymes in the body thus stimulating the receptors in the cells so they will respond more efficiently to insulin, but it also inhibits the enzymes responsible for deactivating ... causing insulin resistance."

Tanton further reveals that "Cinnamon bark actually contains calcium, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, Bi, B2, and C, many of which are important for the prevention or treatment of diabetes."

The conclusion of reviewing eight studies carried out on human volunteers clearly showed that blood sugar levels were effectively reduced after meals and also in between meals by including cinnamon in the diet. It was also observed that cinnamon supplementation could lower diabetic complications.

One of the studies reviewed revealed that cinnamon had beated pharmaceuticals in effectiveness. The study which the "Journal of Diabetic Medicine," published showed that people supplemented with cinnamon had better blood sugar level improvement than those given conventional diabetic drugs.

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