Monday, February 08, 2016

Grass Valley College Is First In US To Offer Doctorate In Ayurvedic Medicine

A California college is now offering doctorate degrees in alternative medicine in a first-of-its-kind program.

California College of Ayurveda President Marc Halpern is a pioneer in alternative medicine, and he’s thrilled that after months of applications, there’s now a major step forward for the profession.

“This is the first time a doctor of ayurvedic program has been offered and one that’s accredited and recognized in the state of California,” he said.

Halpern says ayurvedic medicine is nothing new or new age, and it’s a traditional form of medicine in India where doctors are fully licensed.

“There are ayurvedic hospitals in India, and we’ve been creating the infrastructure for that to happen here,” he said.

Now, their students can soon be doctors of ayurvedic medicine as well with a newly developed state-approved program that’s also been accredited by the National Council of Ayurvedic Education.

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