Monday, April 25, 2016

Bottle Gourd for Weight Reduction

This humble vegetable is often ignored and not given its due in our culinary diary. It is also known as calabash or opo squash. It is an amazing vegetable with high water content. It can be taken as a cooked vegetable or as juice.
Popularly known as Lauki in India, it is easily digestible and has amazing medicinal properties too. It cools the body and acts as a hydrating agent. Taken first thing in the morning, a glass of bottle gourd juice aids in weight loss, keeping us satiated, thus reducing hunger pangs. It has high-fibre content and it is this that helps in keeping us full.

It helps in the smooth functioning of the digestive system. This helps in regulating the metabolism of the body. Due to a high rate of metabolism, food gets digested quickly and there is no accumulation of fat in the body. Thus, it aids in weight loss indirectly. Bottle gourd juice should not be filtered, as it will result in the loss of fibre and valuable nutrients. Before extracting the juice, a small piece of the vegetable should be tasted, as some vegetables tend to have a bitter taste. Also, never mix bottle gourd juice with the juice of any other vegetable.

Read more about Bottle Gourd here.

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