Monday, November 06, 2017

Ayurvedic Treatment of Fibromyalgia

The aggravation of Vata Dosha or accumulation of Ama (toxins) are the primary causes . There is associated weak digestion, constipation, and effects of chronic stress also and that should also be tackled.

The treatment of fibromyalgia, which is primarily a Vātavyadhi disease, focuses on both Vāta Shamana (re-balance) and Samshodhana (purification) along with management of Ama.

Panchakarma therapy: This is the main line of treatment in this disorder and ideally is the initial intervention in fibromyalgia if the patient has no contraindications. Purification measures namely 'Snehan' and 'Swedan' are very effective to balance 'Vata' and helps to dissolve toxins. Medicated oil is applied to the entire body followed by fomentation therapy with herbal decoction. This Snehana and Swedana therapy provides a deeply soothing and balancing effect to Vata. The friction and movements massage creates heat which enhances circulation and helps cleanse the Ama or other impurities that could be aggravating and hypersensitizing nerve tissues. For these purpose –Bala Taila / Ksheerbala Taila / Mahanarayana Taila / Kottamchukadi Taila / Dhanvantara Taila etc can be used. Patients with predominance of Kapha can undergo Vamana by using Madanphala Yoga. Similarly with Pitta aggravation, Virechana can be planned with Trivritta Avaleha, Avipattikara Churna, Eranda oil or Triphala Churna depending on Koshtha. In stress prone individuals who have sleep and mood disturbances, Sirovirechana or Nasya can be planned.
Patients with constipation, debility and other Vata predominant features may undergo Matra Basti or a schedule of Kala or Yoga Basti.

Ayurvedic palliative medicines: If there is pain or stiffness or tenderness-Dashamula Kwath / Dashamularishtam, Rasnadi Guggulu, Yograj Guggulu, Simhanad Guggulu can be prescribed. If pain is associated with fatigue – Rasayana Churna, Chayvanaprasha, Bala Churna, Ashvagandha Churna or Gokshura Churna can be given with milk or water twice or thrice daily. If there is mood swing / sleep disturbances then Mansyadi Kwath with Brahmi Churna + Sankhapusphi Churna + Jatamansi Churna can be prescribed along with other medicines as per requirement.

Yoga Practice:  It is documented that fibromyalgia is often worsened by excessive stress, anxiety and mental fatigue. There are hormonal changes and other biochemical responses to stress that can aggravate the nervous system, and the immune response and affects quality of sleep pattern which in turn aggravates the fibromyalgia syndrome. Various stretching exercises are known to have a positive effect on fibromyalgia. Regular practicing of different yogic postures are helpful. Shavasana (Corpse posture) brings about a relaxed state of mind, Pranayama (Yogic breathing practices) create a state of restful alertness in mind and body.

Diet and nutrition: The diet normally advised for patients of fibromyalgia is a modified Vata-pacifying diet (Pathyam). It should include:
• Vegetable juices and soups prepared  from Guard, bottle guard, carrot, tomato, pumpkin, spinach, beet root.
• Coconut water.
• Kichadi (recipe made by cooking red/bran rice and mung dal.)
• Warm milk with spices like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger and clove
Fibromyalgia patients should avoid the following food articles (Apathyam) and behaviors:
• Hot (spicy) and fried foods; processed, excessive salt or sugar; very bitter and astringent foods, cauliflower, brinjal, potatoes.
• Excessive tea, coffee, alcohol, curd, chocolate, cocoa, milk.
• Sleeping during the day and staying up late at night.
• Mental tensions like worry, anxiety, fear, stress and grief.

Read more about Ayurvedic Management of Fibromyalgia here -

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