Monday, December 04, 2017

Ayurvedic herbs to strengthen Immunity in HIV patients

The HIV virus attacks your immune system; and over time, it weakens your defences against opportunistic infections.  Apart from following a good lifestyle, it is important to fortify your diet with immune-strengthening herbs and medicines. Ayurveda offers an effective adjunct to conventional HIV treatment through powerful herbs that are safe and free of side effects.
Ayurveda recommends some powerful herbs and remedies to keep your immune system healthy.

1 Aloe vera
Aloe vera or kumari  is an anti-inflammatory herb and has a healing effect on the immune system of the HIV-infected person if taken regularly.

2 Garlic
Garlic is a known immunomodulator and an anti-inflammatory agent. The compound allicin found in garlic has antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Those diagnosed with HIV can either eat whole cloves of garlic as part of their daily diet or use garlic supplements.

3 Turmeric
Curcumin, a yellow pigment present in turmeric, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antimicrobial qualities, which makes it a potentially powerful herb against HIV-AIDS. It is also said to inhibit HIV from progressing into full-blown AIDS. Always combine turmeric with pepper for better results.

4 Amlaki
Indian gooseberry, amla or amlaki is a rich source of vitamin C and other beneficial antioxidants, which keeps the immune system strong. The nutritious fruit is also a part of many Ayurvedic preparations like Chyavanprash which is good for immune health for those with an HIV load.

5 Shatavari
Indian asparagus or shatavari is a potent herb which strengthens the immune system and improves its functions by stimulating immune cells. Regular intake of this herb will help the HIV-infected person’s body ward off external infections.

6 Guduchi
One of the best immunomodulators in Ayurveda is guduchi, known also by its scientific name tinospora cordifolia. It helps in the smooth functioning of the immune system by maintaining sufficient levels of white blood cells in the HIV-infected person’s blood.

7 Kalmegh
Kalmegh (andrographis paniculata) is herb known for its immunomodulatory properties. Clinical studies have been conducted to explore the role of the herb in treating HIV infections. Regular intake of kalmegh also ensures liver-protection from the harmful toxic effects of HIV drugs.

Read more about Ayurvedic management of HIV/AIDS here -

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