Monday, April 29, 2019

Ayurvedic Home remedies for Malaria

Below are a few Ayurvedic Home remedies that can help treat malaria and speed up the healing process.

Ginger: Ginger has been used to treat a wide range of health problems, ranging from cold and flu to nausea and vomiting. Ginger contains many compounds that can help boost your immune system and prevent it from falling prey to disease-causing bacteria. Gingerol, the active ingredient in ginger, is known to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which make the herb an excellent remedy for people suffering from malaria. To use ginger for malaria, you can simply sip on some warm ginger water.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been used as a natural remedy to treat malaria for many years. The spice contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, all of which help in dealing with symptoms of malaria. Cinnamaldehyde, the potent compound in cinnamon, is claimed to help fight various types of infection. You can prepare cinnamon tea by adding cinnamon powder to hot water, also add a dash of honey to sweeten the taste. Drink it once or twice a day to help you recover faster.

Holy Basil: Known as Tulsi in Hindi, holy basil contains compounds that can reduce the symptoms and severity of malaria. It is said that holy basil has antimalarial and antibacterial effects when ingested regularly. The leaves of holy widely are extensively in Ayurvedic medicine to treat various diseases. Drink herbal tea made with fresh holy basil leaves to get maximum benefits.

Know more about commonly used Herbs in Ayurvedic Treatment -

Monday, April 22, 2019

Ayurvedic Recommendations For A Healthy Liver

World Liver Day is observed on 19th April every year to build awareness and understanding how important liver is for our body and how liver diseases can be treated or managed efficiently.
It is important that we regularly detox our liver to keep it healthy and fighting fit. If toxins build up in the liver it can lead to sensitivity to allergens, cholesterol issues, digestive problems or fatigue. A good diet and active lifestyle with enough physical movements helps a great deal in keeping liver healthy. Ayurveda recommends few easily available food items that can help detox your liver naturally:

1. Garlic
Garlic helps liver to activate enzymes that flush out toxins from our body. Also, it has high levels of allicin, which has antioxidants, antibiotic and antifungal properties, and Selenium, which increases the action of antioxidants. Both aid in the liver in cleansing.

2. Carrot
Carrots are very high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene, which stipulate and support the overall liver functions. Vitamin A in carrots prevents liver disease.

3. Apple
Apples contain pectin that helps cleanse the body and release toxins from the digestive system. With fewer toxins our liver can better manage its toxin load.

4. Walnuts
An excellent source for amino acids, eating walnuts regularly helps detox our liver. A study found that eating walnuts improved liver function tests in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

5. Green Tea
The plant-based antioxidants in green tea improve liver function.  These high levels of antioxidants help to reduce body fat percentage and fat in the blood.

6. Leafy vegetables
High in chlorophyll, green leafy vegetables flush out the toxins from our blood stream. They can neutralize heavy metals to protect the liver. Add more greens like palak (spinach), green peas, okra, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, etc. to your diet.

7. Citrus fruits
Oranges, lemons, limes, and other citrus fruits boost the liver's cleansing ability the detoxifying enzymes present in citrus fruits improve liver's health and functionality.

8. Turmeric
Turmeric is an excellent spice, which reduces the amount of radical damage in our liver. Turmeric helps in metabolizing fats and production of bile juie, which acts as a natural detoxifier for our liver.

Read more about Ayurvedic Management of Liver Disorders -

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Drumsticks (Moringa oleifera) Health Benefits

Drumsticks make bones strong -
Drumsticks are rich in Calcium and vitamins and helps in strengthening your bones. Consuming drumsticks daily can increase bone density and keeps them healthy.

Drumsticks to improve digestion -
Drumstick pods and leaves are rich source of vitamin B complex that plays a vital role in digestion. The vitamins regulate the digestion process by breaking down complex proteins, fats and carbohydrates into simpler forms.

Drumsticks to lower blood sugar level -
Drumstick leaves keep diabetes under control by reducing blood glucose levels. Consuming drumstick soup or juice enhances gall bladder function to reduce sugar levels.

Drumstick for lowering pregnancy complications -
Drumsticks are highly recommended to pregnant women to ease in their delivery and to ease out pre and post delivery complications. It is rich in vitamins and minerals which are important to reduce sluggishness of uterus and to improve milk production after delivery.

Drumsticks for treating respiratory issues -
It is beneficial for people who suffer with asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, cough, tuberculosis and congestion. As the drumsticks have anti-inflammatory properties which helps in relieving respiratory issues by flushing out toxic contents, people with respiratory tract infections are suggested to consume it regularly.

Drumsticks for blood purification -
Drumstick pods and leaves act as a strong antibiotic agent and helps in blood purification. By consuming it daily, you can get rid of acne and other skin problems.

The knowledge of the Healing Herbs described in Ayurveda is very important. Get it from the Ebook - Ayurvedic Herbology at -

Monday, April 08, 2019

Manage Type- 2 Diabetes with Amla Tea

Amla/ Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry) is bitter in taste. Most celebrated effect of Amla is its anti-diabetic property. Diabetics must include bitter foods in their diet. It helps to prevent a surge in blood sugar levels. Amla is also high in fiber. High fiber foods enable gradual release of sugar in the bloodstream. If the sugar is released at a slow pace, your blood sugar levels tend to stay stable for long. Studies say Amla is an effective remedy to prevent pancreatitis, which may hamper the activity of your insulin-secreting cells. Amla is rich in chromium, a mineral which is helpful in regulating your carbohydrates metabolism and make the body more responsive to insulin.
Being a rich source of vitamin C also makes it an ideal diabetic-friendly fruit. A study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, suggested that there is a significant link between vitamin C levels and diabetes. You can eat amla raw and fresh with a sprinkle of rock salt, or you can use it to brew a diabetic-friendly tea.

How To Make Amla Tea For Diabetes:

1. In a steel container, take one and a half cups of water.
2. Add a teaspoon of coarse dried amla powder and a half a teaspoon of freshly crushed ginger.
3. Let it simmer for 10 minutes on medium flame.
4. Strain and drink.

Drink this tea twice every day and see the impact yourself!

Read more about Amla here -

Monday, April 01, 2019

Healthy Diet To Control High Blood Pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is when the pressure with which your blood is pumped into your artery walls is high.
Besides exercise and major lifestyle changes, doctors recommend dietary changes as some of the best ways to deal with hypertension. When you have high blood pressure, you must have a healthy and balanced meal every day which should include 2-3 varieties of fruits and 3-4 servings of vegetables. Here are some foods that are excellent for your heart and blood pressure:

 Amalaki: Amla(Indian Gooseberry) is commonly used in Ayurvedic formulations for heart disorders. Amla has been found to reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Vitamin C-rich amla can also help widen the blood vessels and thus reducing blood pressure.

Berries: Flavonoid-rich berries especially, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, have abundant minerals like potassium and anthocyanin that have been found to exhibit anti-inflammatory effects on the arterial walls.

Beetroot: Nitrate and potassium in beetroot can help control your blood pressure levels. In fact, a research has found that a glass of beetroot can lower blood pressure within 24 hours of consumption.

Dark chocolate: According to a report published in  BMC Medicine, dark chocolate has flavanols which can reduce blood pressure. Flavanols help with the formation of nitric oxide that helps keep blood pressure in check. Even though dark chocolate is healthy, you must make sure you do not overindulge. Stick to 1-2 pieces daily.

Garlic: Garlic extracts have been found to relax the muscles of the arteries. This helps reduce both the diastolic as well as the systolic blood pressure.

Milk and milk products: These are rich in calcium which can affect blood pressure. Calcium is responsible for normal and smooth muscle contraction that helps blood vessels transport blood efficiently.

Radish: Radish leaves are famed for their antihypertensive properties because they contain ethyl acetate which controls blood pressure.

Whole grains: It is important to include lots of fibre in your diet. In fibre-rich whole grains, the compounds help break down the cholesterol deposited in the arteries. This could help make the blood pressure normal.  You can include whole grains in your rotis every day.

Read more about Ayurvedic Diet & Lifestyle for Hypertension -