Monday, April 22, 2019

Ayurvedic Recommendations For A Healthy Liver

World Liver Day is observed on 19th April every year to build awareness and understanding how important liver is for our body and how liver diseases can be treated or managed efficiently.
It is important that we regularly detox our liver to keep it healthy and fighting fit. If toxins build up in the liver it can lead to sensitivity to allergens, cholesterol issues, digestive problems or fatigue. A good diet and active lifestyle with enough physical movements helps a great deal in keeping liver healthy. Ayurveda recommends few easily available food items that can help detox your liver naturally:

1. Garlic
Garlic helps liver to activate enzymes that flush out toxins from our body. Also, it has high levels of allicin, which has antioxidants, antibiotic and antifungal properties, and Selenium, which increases the action of antioxidants. Both aid in the liver in cleansing.

2. Carrot
Carrots are very high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene, which stipulate and support the overall liver functions. Vitamin A in carrots prevents liver disease.

3. Apple
Apples contain pectin that helps cleanse the body and release toxins from the digestive system. With fewer toxins our liver can better manage its toxin load.

4. Walnuts
An excellent source for amino acids, eating walnuts regularly helps detox our liver. A study found that eating walnuts improved liver function tests in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

5. Green Tea
The plant-based antioxidants in green tea improve liver function.  These high levels of antioxidants help to reduce body fat percentage and fat in the blood.

6. Leafy vegetables
High in chlorophyll, green leafy vegetables flush out the toxins from our blood stream. They can neutralize heavy metals to protect the liver. Add more greens like palak (spinach), green peas, okra, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, etc. to your diet.

7. Citrus fruits
Oranges, lemons, limes, and other citrus fruits boost the liver's cleansing ability the detoxifying enzymes present in citrus fruits improve liver's health and functionality.

8. Turmeric
Turmeric is an excellent spice, which reduces the amount of radical damage in our liver. Turmeric helps in metabolizing fats and production of bile juie, which acts as a natural detoxifier for our liver.

Read more about Ayurvedic Management of Liver Disorders -

1 comment:

Narayan said...

ayuvrveda is the best for natural health.naturopathy center in pune is best for ayurveda,panchkarma etc