Monday, September 13, 2021

Heart Diseases Becoming Common Among People Under 40 - Ayurvedic Tips For A Healthy Heart

 Nowadays, Heart diseases are affecting people under the age of 40. Studies have shown that the proportion of people below 40 having a heart attack has been increasing, rising by 2 per cent each year for the last 10 years. Here are some Ayurvedic tips and foods you can include in your diet to reduce the risk.

One of the leading factors that lead to heart diseases is indeed a sedentary lifestyle. Chances of getting addicted to a lazy attitude with no exercise and improper diet are fairly high. 

Ayurveda To Reduce The Risk Of Heart Diseases -

'Heart diseases' is a broad term used for a spectrum of diseases associated with the disorders of blood circulation, heart vessels and muscles. Some of the most common causes of heart diseases include high cholesterol levels, obesity, diabetes, family history, smoking, high-fat and high-sodium diet. You can manage all these problems with Ayurveda, which in turn can help you combat serious ailments like heart attack, coronary artery disease, etc.

According to Ayurveda, depending on your Prakriti - Kapha, Pitta, Vata, there are different kinds of foods you should consume for heart health.

Here are some of the foods you can include in your diet:

Arjuna --

Ayurvedic Herb Arjuna, (recommended for Vata people) with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, is extremely beneficial in managing high cholesterol levels by improving the level of good cholesterol.

Cinnamon --

Another very common spice found in each of our Indian kitchens in Cinnamon (Dalchini for Kapha people) acts as a powerful anticoagulant. It also lowers blood pressure and relieves inflammation caused by arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Cinnamon intake with warm water in the morning is also effective in people suffering from heart conditions.

Ashwagandha --

Also known as Indian ginseng, Ashwagandha is recommended for Vata people. It is a fairly small shrub with small pale green flowers, simple leaves and red berries. Most of the benefits from ashwagandha are from the root and the leaves. The leaves are commonly used in teas. It can help reduce levels of cholesterol by an average of 17 per cent in a 60-day study of chronically stressed adults. It also alleviates cortisol levels in the body, which is the stress hormone. Stress is known as a risk factor for heart diseases.

Papaya --

An easy home remedy is to consume 'Papaya'. The fruit is rich in antioxidants vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. If a person takes a diet high in antioxidants, it will significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. The antioxidants prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. When cholesterol oxidizes, it's more likely to create blockages that lead to heart disease.

Read Our Best Selling Ebooks:


2]Ayurveda and Yoga Management of Heart Diseases

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