Monday, November 08, 2021

Ayurvedic Teas For Different Ailments

 Some of the popular Ayurvedic teas include:

Ashwagandha - It's considered an adaptogen, which simply means that it helps your body manage stress more effectively.

Cumin - Research shows that it may boost the activity of digestive enzymes and the release of bile from the liver, speeding digestion and facilitating the digestion of fat.

Turmeric - Curcumin, its main active compound, has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cardamom - Research suggests that it may help reduce blood pressure in people with elevated levels. There's also evidence that inhaling cardamom essential oil may increase the uptake of oxygen into the lungs during exercise.

Liquorice Root - Another Ayurvedic spice that helps reduce inflammation and protect against various infections. It also potentially treats digestive problems and relieves skin irritation.

These are only a handful of the plethora of herbs and spices that Ayurvedic studies have found over hundreds of years, there's a whole world of other ingredients from various parts of the globe that belong to this category of superfoods.

Different types of Ayurvedic Teas serve different health purposes and choosing the right ones can help us get rid of targeted health concerns. It's all about picking the herbs and spices that attend to our wellness needs the best. 

For digestion and gut health: Ayurvedic ingredients like ginger, fennel, holy basil, and cloves work their magic. 

If obesity and weight management are what you're struggling with, then liquorice, lemongrass, star anise, and basil can be your saviours.

Cough & Cold Tea - contains Ginger, Miri, Cinnamon, Parijatak leaves, Tulsi leaves, Bilva patra, coriander, Lemon Grass etc. It is very useful in cold, cough, Flu. 

Certain Ayurvedic herbs are your skin's best friend. If you grew up in an Indian household, you would know that turmeric tops that list. Purifying herbs like black pepper and fenugreek can also prove to be exceptionally helpful. 

For a good old detox: cumin, fennel, star anise, lemongrass, and coriander can work wonders with their cleansing and cooling effects.

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