Monday, February 25, 2019

Yoga, Ayurveda making waves in Britain

An active campaign is under way to take the message of Ayurveda to students and homemakers in the United Kingdom, since yoga and traditional methods of treatment such as Ayurveda complement modern medicine in treating lifestyle-related and other diseases, Bob Blackman, Britain’s three-time Conservative MP, has said.
Keeping this in mind, students and health workers from Britain would be sent to Kerala to be trained in Ayurvedic treatment and lifestyle.
Traditional medicine was important since villages the world over had medicinal preparations made from plants, herbs and spices, he said, at a meeting organised here on Monday by Kochi-based Tourism Professionals Club.
Yoga has already been included in Britain’s National Health Service (NHS), for well-being and a healthier lifestyle, to complement modern medicine. “The world has acknowledged that both yoga and Ayurveda can prevent the onset of many ailments. The time is ripe to convince insurance firms that extending medical insurance to Ayurveda treatment would lessen reliance on emergency medical care and surgeries,” said Mr. Blackman, a long-term friend of India.
-- From 'The Hindu'

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